Dogo Argentino supplements
Stud service available to approved females. Apollo produces very beautiful quality Dogo puppies!
* 1.* Ester Vitamin C: is one of the most important supplements for a Dogo Argentino puppy & adulthood. Ester Vitamin C is a good immune system support and most importantly for good joint development . Since hip dysplasia is a problem familiar to the Dogo Argentino breed it’s best to begin taking preventive measures from dogo puppyhood as the hips & joints grow & develop until 18 months of age. We recommend 1000mg of Ester Vitamin C once daily for Dogo Argentino puppies & 2000mg of Ester Vit C once daily for adult Dogo Argentinos. I order Ester Vit C from 800-221-1833 for my dogos but you can get it at most local pharmacies. FYI: It must be Ester C other types of Vit C do not get good absorption into the body! For more information on Ester C please see: CLICK HERE
* 2 * Glucosamine and Chondroitin: Dogo Argentinos (especially growing Argentine Dogo puppies) should be on supplements of glucosamine and chondroitin to help them develop strong hips.
*3* One hard boiled egg a day could add to your dogos life. Eggs are full of vitamins, minerals & OMEGA 3 fatty acids. Near 100% of the nutrition in an egg is used by the body unlike dog food & most multi vitamins.
* 4 *Corn or Canola oils: are great for the Dogo Argentinos coat and skin.
*5 *Pink salmon or Jack Mackerel fish: We add ‘Pink Salmon’ or ‘Jack Mackerel’ canned fish to our dogo argentino’s food about 3-4 times a week. Fish offers important heart protective vitamins and minerals. Fish are the best dietary source of omega-3 fats! Fish also contain a very high amount of protein in a more raw natural form. The canned pink salmon can be found in the canned meat section of your local grocery store near the canned tuna fish. FYI, We only give about 1 fish per dogo 4 times a week because fish does contain mercury. Also fish can give some dogo argentino a small case of the runs. If this happens we just give them less next time.
*6* Yogurt: contributes to bone growth, digestive system health and a stronger immune system. Most dogo Argentinos love the taste of yogurt.( 1-2 tablespoons per morning feeding).
Missing Link: Is a good supplement. Full of omega 3 fatty acids in combination with a broad spectrum of natural fiber, flax lignans and phyto (plant) nutrients. provide support to the digestive, nervous, and immune systems.